Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New Blood

At FCA (fellowship of Christian Athletes) yesterday, we watched this guy, Jim Munroe, a skeptical magician's, testimony on I am Second.

It's amazing how God straight up reached down into this guy's life, changed and molded his heart, and gave him the option of LIVING for Him.
Literally, NEW BLOOD runs through his veins; just like how Jesus' fresh, pure blood can run through ours as long as we believe that he died for us and conquered death by arising again on that 3rd day, accept Him into our hearts and allow him to be the driving force in our lives.

HEre at Baylor, we have a saying, "Find your place in the Baylor Line," a term that refers to the traditions of every new Bear, and explains that there is a purpose for each Baylor Bear, introduced to the incoming freshman.
I believe that each one of us has a purpose and a duty in the "Line" that leads to the day we meet God face-to-face on Judgement Day, a talent or a gift we have to serve others and in the process, serve Him with. With Jim, he travels around now using his gift of magic / illusions to meet people and set up a chance to share the GOod NEws with people.
What's YOUR place in the line?

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