Wednesday, July 27, 2011

O the children!

Lana and Sensei Angel from "The singing Sushi"

One thing I miss so dearly about home is the children. In college, no matter where you go, for some reason, there is always minimal exposure to the young. It was something I didn't notice at first.
Like most of the best things in life, you never know what a blessing it is until it's gone.

This Summer, I've been SO blessed with God's little treasures.
Starting with work, I get to help so many young kids learn how to swim and conquer their fear of the water.
Then, with VBS (vacation Bible school), I got to play and sing and love on 90 little eager souls for a whole, straight week
Also, with church, I get to sing and discuss Bible stories with the preschool and kindergarteners every Sunday.

I brought children into this dark world because it needed the light that only a child can bring. ~Liz Armbruster

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