Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Hooray!! Summer has DEFINITELY begun. FREEDOM!!! it's really great :)
My summer has consisted mostly of...
- a triple-bomb birthday surprise!
- lasertag
- bumming it up at my godfamily's house
- COD: Black Ops
- taco truck tacos
- waffles & pancakes (pigging out) & other late night snacks
- throwing around the football ( and throwing out my shoulder as well )
- VBS (Vacation Bible School) planning & preparation
- chia seeds [google it]
- working out [sorta]

I thank God so much for these past couple weeks in which I have had the luxury of fine dine, good company, and no responsibilities. This vacation time was made possible by my mom&pops, best friend steph & her family, my faithful church friends who are always down to hang out, & best friend Cheryl who is timeless to me :)

I know there's never really any good excuse anyone wants to hear about lack of blog posts, but honestly I am just letting my brain spoil & rot for a bit, ;) and having a grand ole time. Vacation is over soon, tho, because work starts next week. This week will consist of quality time with my mommy, a high school graduation by the class of 2011, preparation for work to begin, and yummy enchiladas made by my good friend Lara's daddy, Amo Sami ! :D

okay, hope yall are having a wonderful summer! and for those still finishing up finals, KEEP TROOPIN', SUMMER IS DEFINITELY WORTH IT!

p.s...anybody know any secret ways to get classes at a community college in SoCal? this is insane!! Classes are FILLED.

1 comment:

karly from [kar[+]wade] said...

okay! i have met my match! i ABSOLUTELY LOVE TACO WAGONS! yum yum! can't wait to catch up on the rest of your posts!